PSY201H1 Midterm: Midterm Study Sheet

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20 Oct 2011

Document Summary

Statistics:mathematical procedures organiz,summariz,interpret info;communicate results(standardized techs in scientific community),answ qs of study"s hypothesis,conclusions from results. Correlational methods:measuring 2 vars for each indiv, no explanation + [directionality] of causality. Random assignment :all participants equal chance of being assigned to either grp. Non-experimental or quasi-experimental studies:~expts-compare grps of scores;preexisting/quasi-indep vars (not manipulated/controlled)to create grps of scores,show cause&effect relatnships,prvde support,~correlation- demonstrate&describe rlnshps. Class intervals in table show apparent limits,measuring var requires set of cats(scale of measurement)and process to classifies each indiv into 1 cat. Nominal: categorical,cats w dif names,measurements label+categorize observations to #s, no dir"n or size of dif. Interval: ordered intervals of exactly same size, equal difs in magnitudes,size & dir"n of dif,0 arbitrary, Brackets, exponents, multiplication/division from left to right, summation symbol , then any other addition or subtraction. Frequency distribution: cats that make up the original measurement scale / x,record of the frequency (# of indiv in each cat);