PCJ260Y1 Final: Exams for Peace and Conflicts.pdf

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Document Summary

Peace-making, -enforcing, and -building - the moment of the cessation of violence/end of conflict. Peace: the restoration of the monopoly of the means of violence to the state. Problem peace as a puzzle? (burton, last semster) Peace building is the process of rebuilding and state consolidation after conflict- a process that begins after a negotiation has taken place, to return the state to a norm. Peace-making: the parties stop talking with guns, and start with words, this is a non coercive way of bring them to the table, which may last a while before there is any progress. Peace enforcement: now using force to make peace, including using military. Five ways to think about peace: harmony, unity (concordia), order, discordia (diversity) and justice. Unity: being of the same mind, distinct from harmony because it allows for ingroup sameness and outgroup hostility, hinges where the boundary is for who is in and who is out.