KPE160H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ulna, Metacarpal Bones, Motor Unit

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Muscle tissue = collection of cells that shorten during contraction resulting in tension that makes movement. Tendons = tough bands of connective tissue that join muscles and bones. Striated, light and dark stripes: skeletal muscle. Muscles attached to bone by tendons and other tissues. Most prevalent in the body: cardiac muscle. Creates action that pumps blood from heart to body: smooth muscle. Blood vessels, hair follicles, urinary, genital, and digestive tract. Elasticity: ability to stretch and return to its normal position. When muscle fibres shorten; biceps shorten when lifting an object: eccentric/ lengthening. When muscle fibres lengthen; biceps lengthen when placing object back on the ground. When muscle fibres do not change in length; when you try to lift an immovable object. Involves controlled shortening (concentric contraction) and lengthening of the muscle. Example: sit ups, push ups, weight training with dumbbells, as weight is lifted, the muscle shortens.