KPE160H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Metatarsal Bones, Coracoclavicular Ligament, Deltoid Ligament

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Synovial joint (free movement/freely movable: contains synovial fluid that lubricates the joint allowing for movement, 6 types of synovial joints (bs. h. s. e. p. g) Ball & socket: hip and shoulder, movement in all directions permitted. Hinge: elbow and ankle, movement in only one plane permitted. Saddle (sellar): joint at base of the thumb, all motions but rotation permitted. Ellipsoid: wrist, allows movement in two planes. Pivot: neck, allows rotation of one bone. Gliding: foot, connects flat/slightly curved bone surfaces. Ligaments = bone bone: do not stretch as much as tendons but they tear when it happens, static stabilizers, avascular, nutritional needs are not met through blood. Takes much longer to heal than muscle because they are avascular, meaning there is a lack of blood vessels. Tendons= bone muscle: dynamic stabilizers, avascular. Inflammations: tendinitis (tendon caused by irritation), bursitis (bursa), arthritis (joint: cold/heat therapy, casts, splints, injections, oral medication.