HPS100H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Formal Science, Agnosticism, Empirical Evidence

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Air (sanguine), water (phlegmatic), fire (choleric), earth (melancholic) Dualism (two substances matter and mind), idealism (only one substance mind), materialism (only one substance matter), and neutral monism (only one mental physical substance) 1. 3) name the four elements of the newtonian mosaic which were replaced by agnosticism, particle wave duality, materialism, and probalistic determinism: agnosticism replaced monotheism, particle wave duality replaced particle& waves, materialism replaced dualism and probabilistic determinism replaced dualistic determinism. 2) infallibilism: synthetic proposition can be infallible. Generalism: there can be a general theory of scientific change. Hylomorphism: every compound can be analytically decomposed into its form and matter. Cartesian gravity: gravity is the inward pressure caused by the condensation of finer matter at the periphery vortex. The mechanistic conception of gravity allowed to explain a number of both terrestrial and celestial phenomena. Aristotelian medieval method: a proposition is acceptable if it grasps the nature of a thing through intuition or id deduced from intuitive propositions.