HIS241H1 Final: Complete Notes for 19th Century Europe

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8 Feb 2012

Document Summary

The legacy of the french revolution: thesis: modern europe emerges from the french and industrial revolutions. The french revolutionary and napoleonic eras, 1789-1815, launched the modern period in. Europe had so irrevocably changed after 1815 that contemporaries distinguished the period before 1789 as the old regime. To be sure, many features of the old regime continued into the new era, but the sentiment of sudden rupture was largely valid. In various dimensions of public life, the radical transformations of the french revolution rendered many pre-revolutionary attitudes toward society and politics obsolete. Were not long lasting though: rights of "men", (not woman)and some universal right, was part of a longer social and economic change. The french revolution overthrew louis xvi and created a government committed in principle to the rule of law, the liberty of the individual, and an idea of the nation as a sovereign body of citizens.