HIS102Y1 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: History Of East Asia, Mao Zedong, Disfigurement

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10 Dec 2012

Document Summary

History 107y1-y: approaches to modern east asian history. Location: the term test will be held at the. The questions for this test are derived from material we covered in class starting with the qing dynasty (week 4, tuesday october 2, 2012) to the end of term, as well as from material covered in your tutorials. However, it is expected that you also know general material that was covered in the first 3 lectures (e. g. , confucianism, the status of women, etc. ) as much of that is relevant to subjects discussed throughout the term. When studying for the test concentrate on topics and themes that we covered in class and in the tutorials. There will be no specific questions on material in the textbook that we did not cover in class or tutorials. However, this does not mean that such material is not useful. Example: in the lectures we did not discuss, law, crime, and punishment during the.