GGR100H1 Midterm: GGR100H concise midterm review

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27 Nov 2013

Document Summary

Electromagnetic radiation is emitted by all matter with a temperature above 0 k. Stefan-boltzmann law energy = ct^4, nrg is in watts, c is a constant. Aphelion = away = summer / perihelion = winter = closest. Humans emit all sorts of wavelengths / light bulb one wavelength. Uv radiation caught by ozone layer o3 catches uv into molecular bond. Solstices every third month march 21, june 21 etc. Equinox is 12 hours of sun and dark everywhere, two equinoxes spring + fall sun is dead on in center of equator. Troposphere stratosphere mesosphere thermosphere. Aerosols are tiny droplets that reflect radiation. Such as so2 that came from mountain and cooled. Snow reflects radiation, forests generally absorb the radiation. Outgoing lw radiation trapped by clouds, gases, dust greenhouse effect raises temperatures by. Radiative transfer radiation loss to space and greenhouse effect. 31 % sw reflected / 45% sw to ground / lw leaving is 69% balances to 0.