FSL102H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Les Bois, French Verbs, Le Studio

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The indefinite articles un and une correspond to a or an in english. In negative sentences, the indefinite article is replaced by de/d". The definite articles le, la, and l" corresponds to the in english. Masculine endings: -eau, -o, -isme, -age, -ment. Il y a means there is or there are. To use this expression in the negative, say il n"y a pas de/d". Use c"est (that/this is) and ce sont (those/these are) to identify people and things. Stressed pronouns moi je toi tu lui il elle elle nous nous vous vous eux ils elles elles. When using expressions with faire and du, de la, des in the negative, remember that du, de la, des change to de/d": je fais du jogging. Moi je ne fais pas de jogging. The preposition generally indicates location or destination and has several english equivalents (in, at to, depending on meaning).