FAH364H1 Final: 364 final notes

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7 Feb 2020

Document Summary

Part i: (15 answers; 2 points each; total 30%: 8 slides identification, 7 short answers. Part ii: short essays(choose two images from four; total 30%) Write a short essay on the image/object/site after identifying it. Please identify the image you are writing about by referring to the figure number and including the following information: 3) date of production (based on the figure you have chosen, you may also need to identify the site where it is located). Answer should include at least two distinct points, where each point is explained over 2-3 sentences. Part iii: long essays(choose two questions from four; total 40%) Introduction, conclusion, at least three distinct points(each point explain over 2-3 sentences) Should include references to particular examples of art. Try to separate points into different paragraphs. Stands w/ bangles all the way up her arm and nothing else on. Perfectly confident of herself and the world. Theres" nth like her, in ancient art .