ECE385H1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Scanf Format String, Include Directive, Machine Code

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A computer system has two main parts: hardware and software. Hardware: consists of all the equipment that is involved in operating a computer. Software: consists of sets of instructions called programs. Input devices: mouse, keyboard, camera, scanner, touch screen, button. Auxilary storage devices: disk drives, cds, hard drives, usb drives: capable of holding larger volume of data, accessing info in them takes a lot longer than accessing data in memory. Info stored in these devices are retained from one computer session to another (memory sometimes isn"t retained when a computer is turned off contents of memory are usually lost) Info on auxiliary storage is organized in the form of files (a set of instructions or a collection of data) organization varies from computer to computer. Computer (cpu) understands only machine code; however, when programming directly in machine code, it"s easy for a programmer to make a mistake. High-level programming languages like c allow programmer to write in somewhat english.