EEB319H1 Final: Possible Exam Topics - Summary

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As habitats get more and more fragmented, colonization rates decrease through time: distance separating patches becomes more and more inhospitable. In the context of levins" model, if colonization rate c is decreasing slowly through time, this means that dynamics are slowly shifting from right to left on the graph. Growth rate: the faster the population grows (in abundance), the faster it moves across the landscape. Dispersal: the faster it moves physically, the faster if moves across the landscape. Rate of larvae production within the host divided by the mortality of the infected parasites in the host. Multiplied by the total number of transmissions of larvae into new hosts. In general, include: rate of egg/larvae production within the host, mortality of parasites within the host, the transmission rate of infection, and the mortality of parasites in the environment. Tells us how fast a disease will spread. Synchrony: wide-spread environmental variation that encompasses the whole metapopulation.