EEB318H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Quantitative Trait Locus, Phenotypic Trait, Linkage Disequilibrium

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Explain the three conditions that lead to evolution by natural selection, as formulated by lewontin. Explain the two inevitable outcomes in the three conditions are met. Variation, heredity, fitness differences of a selection episode. Explain in words the meaning of the selection differential, and why it is an informative way to describe the strength. Selection differential (s) is the difference between the mean phenotype of the entire population and the mean of selected parents. S is the maximum evolutionary change in the phenotypic mean between generations. Bumpus" sparrows after a severe snowstorm, 136 english sparrows were brought to the anatomical. Laboratory at brown university where bumpus measured a number of traits on sparrows that died and sparrows that lived. Explain what it does and does not mean with respect to genetic control of development of a trait. H2 = heritability the resemblance between parents and offspring.