CSC180H1 Midterm: CSC180H1_20159_621450279758CSC180H1 Midterm

34 views22 pages
31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Aids allowed: reference sheet handed out with the test. Do not turn this page until you have received the signal to start. In the meantime, please read the instructions below carefully. This term test consists of 6 questions on 22 pages (including this one), printed on both sides of the paper. When you receive the signal to start, please make sure that your copy of the test is complete, ll in the identi - cation section above, and write your name on the back of the last page. Answer each question directly on the test paper, in the space provided, and use the reverse side of the pages for rough work. If you need more space for one of your solutions, use the reverse side of a page and indicate clearly the part of your work that should be marked.