CLA204H1 Midterm: Classical Mythology Test Review.pdf

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4 Feb 2013

Document Summary

Python telphusa (parallel with momf of dragon combat): etymology of why the pythian games are sacred to apollo in delphi. It was considered shameful for a goddess to consort with a mortal man. In the end, actaeon was torn into shreds by his won hounds. his own hounds. Artemis. hunmng on mount cithaeron. order to ensure success in his hunt. Hades: persephone must spend one third of the year in the. She represents a dying goddess in which the marriage to hades symbolizes the death of the parthenos. Ovid, metamorphoses: the hero perseus defeats the sea serpent that is about to a]ack andromeda, perseus kills the monster and saves. Mycenae to kill the cowardly eurystheus: heracles insane is about the madness sent by. Hera to the enduring 12 labours that heracles endured under eurystheus leading. river and nessus tried to rape his bride.