ANT253H1 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Linguistic Anthropology, Noam Chomsky, Franz Boas

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7 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Koasati (an indigenous language spoken in louisiana), men say lawawhol to refer to. Possible because men and women pick up different things. In the language spoken on the island of carib in the west indies women use the word kachi for sun while the men use hueyu theories: Historical roots: ferdinand de saussure (1916) - founder of linguistics. His student wrote the (probably) first linguistics textbook - published after he died - course in general linguistics. Distinguished between language as it changes. : diachronic and synchronic. Diachronic - language that changes across time there are principles of change. Evolutionary forces at work that transform language over time. Synchronic - study not as it changes but right now, as it is. How language functions, breaking down language - seeing how the bits function and interact: separate soundsetc. Sounds - give context (baby testing out words example) langue and parole language/speech langue: more static / parole: differences appear.