ANT100Y1 Quiz: ANT211 Study Sheet #2

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10 Jan 2016
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ANT100Y1 Full Course Notes
ANT100Y1 Full Course Notes
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Birds in new guinea-> male birds don"t help child rearing they devote time to seduce as many females as possible. They inject sperm into female mammals and leave. Human males often stay after copulation and baby. Men use to hunt and women gather plant foods and care for children. Men are much better able to track and kill animals because they are more muscular than women and they don"t have an infant attached to them. Modern day-> many women still devote more time to children and men work for money for food. Sex and hunting- ache: extramarital affairs are common in ache people, women often took good hunters as lovers as opposed to bad hunters, adultery can double the number of a mans offspring. Hazda men get higher average returns than ache men by hunting big game over small game. They on average do more hours of work and are paid less.