SOCC30H3 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Uniform Crime Reports, Real Crime, Jury Trial

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5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

When studying crime, you have to overcome these 8 fallacies: dramatic fallacy, cops-and courts fallacy, not-me fallacy. Ingenuity fallacy: organized-crime fallacy, big gang fallacy, agenda fallacy. These fallacies often appear in media and misrepresent what normally happens e. g. after a burglary you would expect a big investigation, as seen on tv, but in reality this doesn"t happen. Routine activity approach avoid being distracted by dramatic crimes: dramatic crimes get more attention b/c they make a better story, this is common among media outlets that usually depict nonrepresentative crime. Media is interested in romantic or clever murders (e. g. jealous lover, well thought out murder plot) to keep ratings high. In reality these types of crimes are rare. Murder is the most distorted crime in the public eye only most elaborate or interesting murders are even covered by the media: public thinks murder is most frequent crime.