SOCB51H3 : i dont think it was such an issue back then ARTICLE NOTES

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10 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Socb51: i don t think it was such an issue back then - changing. Experiences of pregnancy across 2 generations of women in south east england. In depth interviews w/ mothers and their own mothers in london, england about the changing experiences and perceptions of pregnancy over the late 20th c. and early 21st c. Pregnancy is a biological process, but exists within social, economic, political and cultural realms and is both spatially and temporally located. = these two serve as a tool of surveillance, form of moral obligation and neo- liberal governance over womens bhr in accordance w. culturally specific ways of. If the health police carry on, pregnant women will be too terrified to breath - the times. Magazine in may 2007 = caused an uproar. Ever-increasing medicalisation; of motherhood during the 20th-21st cent which have constructed pregnancy as a physical condition in need of medical management and control.