SOCB26H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: John Dewey, Progressive Education, Grade Inflation

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9 Apr 2017

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Then there are those that think schooling"s power comes from the charter Its authority to confer a socially recognized status on their graduates that is main role. Importance of tailoring education to each unique pupil: role of educator shifted towards diagnosing learning difficulties & recommending solutions, like doctors or lawyers, modern schools became more bureaucratic, rules regulations, scheduling. In some ways, schools are exemplars of weber"s ideal typical bureaucracy: rationalized activities, produce a lot of paperwork, universalistic rules. However, they diverge from the ideal type of bureaucracy in one fundamental way: they"re not necc organized to be efficient or effective, they are institutional orgs with peculiar traits. Institutional theory - schools as loosely coupled bureaucracies: useful to compare org. structures of schools to other kinds of bureaucratic institutions like automobile factories, their goal is clear: to manufacture a profitable car.