SOCA02H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Internet Pornography, Jean Baudrillard, Collective Behavior

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20 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Mass communication: the transmission of messages by a person or group through a device to a large audience. Mass media: devices designed to communicate messages to a mass audience. Prehistoric cave art: only human ancestors first began using paintings and engravings on cave walls to communicate their ideas and emotions during the upper paleolithic era. From block printing to movable type: block printing: a process involved engraving text and illustrations onto wooden blocks that were linked and pressed onto paper, developed in china, during tang dynasty. Inspired a rapid increase in literacy levels across europe. Moving pictures in 1832, plateau which is a belgian, developed phenakistoscope, which consisted of two spinning disks that gave the impression of movement: the first invention to truly capture full-motion imagery was made by the prolific. American inventor thomas edison: the first movie theatre is in the us, opened on june 19, 1905.