[SOCA02H3] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 87 pages long Study Guide!

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30 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Marriage: 2005 bill c-38 which allowed the legalized same-sex marriages [canada, netherlands, Judicial discretion was taken out allowing way support payment across. Canada which ensure that adequate supports are provided for children within financial means of the supporting parent. Income tac act stopped the practice that noncustodial parents being allowed to deduct monies paid for child support and having to pay income tax on child support payments. Critized for largely taking for granted the division of domestic labour: activities required to maintain a home and care for the people who live in it. Involves everything needed to maintain a home and care for people who live in it such as housework, cargiving, controlling money. Post-structuralism theory: discourse about families , challenge concpe tof good mother or good fathers are good breadwinners, believe these categories are saturated in power relations are all normalizing discourses.