PSYB45H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mobile Device, Reinforcement, Stimulus Control

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Identify them through preferred items and experiences questionnaire (better to use direct assessment b/c of language, ppl w depression, less accurate) Direct (naturalistic observation for high probability behaviors or structured tests. [present stimuli & see which one p prefers]) Enhancing effectiveness: reinforcer sampling: sample of consequence before behavior occurs (ex show. Jamy she will get chocolate if she studies: modelling, explaining the value good for token reinforcers, public posting: performance data, good if reinforcer is feedback/praise, varied reinforcers: use diff ones b/c single reinforce can decline due to satiation. *choice in reinforcer good b/c choice can be reinforcer or serve as establishing. Reduce extraneous counterproductive reinforcers (ask ppl to stop reinforcing the problem behavior, reinforce them for not reinforcing) therapist can control these w problem behaviors (ex self injurious to escape) Treat behaviors as shaping (start easy then reinforce as it gets complex) Behavioral deficit: lvl of starting response higher than avg baseline freq but lower than highest freq.