[PSYB45H3] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (75 pages long)

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Document Summary

Psyb45 lecture 1 behavior modification course looks at normal personality and borderline personality disorder approach from a clinical psychological perspective. Behavior behaviors are internal or external responses to internal or external events: covert vs overt overt -- people can see behavior. Motor vs verbal covert -- people cannot see behavior thoughts emotion: on the boundary of behavior, verbal vs motor both: sign language. Writing: volitional vs involitional voluntary vs involuntary automatic actions. What is not a behavior? traits: how people behavior over an extended period of time over most contexts. Moving slower than normal: planning a party is not a behavior it is a series of behaviors. Must be specific about the behavior: acting respectfully is not a behavior it is a trait it is opinion it is judgement behavior, objective, quantified, specific, observable. Modification differences between behavior modification and behavior analysis usually modify behavior to increase or decrease occurrence of specific behavior behavioral deficit vs excess.