PSYB32H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Temporal Lobe, Behaviorism, Tranylcypromine

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Digital span scores (repeated numbers in order told once: <2 5-9 >12. Abnormal behaviour is too complex to come up with a fixed definition for. There are various characteristics that determine whether or not behaviour can be considered abnormal. Anxiety, phobia: however, antisocial personality disorder, psychopathy, narcissism, etc don"t cause distress to those will these mental illnesses, doesn"t mean it"s not abnormal. Disability or dysfunction: teacher has severe depression, but he is not dysfunctional, he can still teacher properly. Because the field is continually evolving, it is not possible to offer a simple definition of abnormality that captures it in its entirety. The characteristics presented constitute a partial definition, but they are not equally applicable to every diagnosis. davison, neale, blankstein, Clinical psychologist / neuropsychologist: ph. d. or psy. d. The first measure of abnormality and the ultimate no-win situation. Dark ages and demonology: those who were mentally ill were considered to be witches, persecution of witches (malleus maleficarum)