PSYB30H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Epigenetics, Heritability

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16 Apr 2015

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Indeed, about 75% of the plants in the next generation were smooth and 25% were wrinkled: from such observations, mendel developed two hypotheses, part of what we now consider his first law of inheritance, first, each parent plant passes on one form of the gene (which he called element) for a given characteristic to its offspring, who get two forms of the gene, one from each parent (note that different forms of the same gene is called alleles). Genes and environment: a dialectical synthesis: according to the philosopher hegel, a dialectic is a way of thinking in which contradictions are seen to be part of a higher truth, plomin et al. suggested that researchers can increase the accuracy of their results and detect new effects by specifically testing for two ways in which genes and environment influence each other: genotype environment interaction and a genotype environment correlation.