PSYB30H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Central Nervous System, Sympathetic Nervous System

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Brain structures: refers to the various areas of the brain; also looking at the relative size of the areas. As well as differences in areas according to diff personalities. Brain activity: transmission of various signals throughout the brain. Biochemical activity: transmission of the signals facilitated by neurotransmitters. Nervous system: major divisions of the nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system is referred to the fight or fight system comes into play when you feel threatened. I calms things down, may feel like throwing up. Autonomic nervous system: increase heart rate, bodily tem and blood flow, skin conductance (gsr) Bodily responses: measuring ans activity (common measures---i. e. liar detector tests) Skin conductance (gsr): perspiration on skin, device detects how much electricity the skin conducts. Measures of brain structures: static differences in relative size and weight and cell numbers of brain parts. Main ways of looking at brain structures are ct and mri.