PSYB30H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sympathetic Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System

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The autonomic nervous system is broken down into: sympathetic nervous system. Comes when you feel threatened, slows down activity in regions non-essential (ie. urinary) and increases important functions for fight/flee. Ie. heart rate increase to get more oxygen for muscles: parasympathetic division. Does opposite effect of sympathetic nervous system (it calms things down) Cortical stimulation (mostly done to animals) - electrodes or implants placed somewhere in brain and when they stimulate it they see what happens. Ie. mouse usually scared of snake but if you stimulate some area of its brain and you see it attack it then you located a right area for that. Eeg: put some helmet on looking at electrical activity in different parts of brain through skull. Ie. give the person a task to do and see where activity in brain is. (very expensive but the best way right now)