PSYB30H3 : CHAPTER 7.docx

42 views3 pages
29 May 2013

Document Summary

Bodily responses: result of reactions in the autonomic nervous system. For example the flight or fight mentality is a direct response of stimuli reaching the brain in a high cortical arousal situation. Galvanic skin response (gsr); is a method of measuring sweat as a result of electrical current moving through the skin. An electromyography (emg) or myoelectric activity is used to measure muscle activity and electrical impulses. Referring to the size relative to the weight of the various parts of the brain. Computerized tomography (ct scan): high resolution x-ray of the brain by looking at the cross sections of the brain [less than a millimeter]. Computer axial tomography (cat scan): the old name for the ct scan. Magnetic resonance imaging (mri): use radio frequencies instead of x-rays in order to take images of the brain. They are known as magnetic radio imaginings technologies. Commonly measured through these 5 methods for stimulation analysis.