PSYB30H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Phallic Stage, Unconscious Mind, Anal Stage

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8 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Freud was a medical doctor who practiced in vienna, austria. Important early discovery: when his patients talked about their psychological problems, sometimes that was enough to cure them. Used free association: method where you let the person say whatever comes to their mind. Talking cure his greatest contribution to psychotherapy. Belief that talking about it helps it helps because of 2 reasons: 1) making thoughts and fears explicit by saying them out loud brings them into the open. 2) psychotherapist can provide emotional support during the patient"s difficult task of trying to figure out what"s going on. His most famous pupils: carl jung and alfred adler. Common with humanistic approach: both psychoanalysts and humanists begin the psychological endeavor with the attempt to know themselves. Their work also includes their own personality and thoughts. 4 ideas that make up the foundation of psychoanalysis: psychic determinism: Determinism: the idea that everything that happens has a cause that can be identified.