PSYB10H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mind Control, Habit Reversal Training, Abai Qunanbaiuly

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Any given experience is likely to include both respondent and operant conditioning. Ex: kid gets knocked down by large dog respondent: sight of dog becomes cs because paired with being knocked down (us) operant: sight of dog is conditioned punisher, so likely to avoid large dogs. Respondent & operant components of emotions (a) the feeling component, which is internal, private, and subjective (b) an overt, public, and objective component. The respondent component: our feelings involves reflexes of the digestive system, the circulatory system, and the respiratory system controlled by autonomic nervous system. These internal reactions prepare the body for fighting or fleeing survival value. Some respondent behaviors are a part of skeletal reflexes (also called motor reflexes) Ex: sucking, startle, moro, stepping, swimming reflexes disappear as child grows. In a situation that causes anger, one person might clench her fists and swear, while another person in that same situation might count to ten and walk away.