PSYB10H3 : Chartrand.BarghArticle-PSYB10.odt

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Underlying mchsm = perception-behaviour link = only having preceived some1 elses"s beahvr automatically incr"s probab. of u doing that behavr urself. Motor behavr of subj"s unintentionally was consistent w/ that of stranges that they worked w/ on task (2) Subj"s had their movements & posture mimiced by confed"s, showing that mimicry: helps to smoothen (=> w/out harshness/bittnerness) interaction, incr"ing liking b/ween interacting partners (3) Inherently emphatic individuals show chameleon effecto greater degree than do other ppl p1. Passive, direct, unintended effect of soc. perception on soc. behavr. Does not seem to be in service of any recog. purpose. B/c of the existence of this, it is likely that many imitation & mimicry effects in humans are unintentional. Common experience u discover that u copy accent, speech patterns & even behavl. mannerisms of ur person ur interacting w/ Ex. u start using the weird verbal expressions or have same speech tone, intonation as friend.