PSYB10H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Status Quo Bias, Social Comparison Theory, Confirmation Bias

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Personal-social identity continuum: individuals perceive themselves differently depending on where they are at a particular moment in time. Can be perceived at two levels personal and social. > personal identity is where we think of ourselves as individuals. > social identity part is where we think of ourselves as members of social groups. Self-concept: what we know and think about ourselves. Intragroup comparisons: judgments result from comparing individuals within the same group (comparisons at the personal identity level) Intergroup comparisons: judgments that result from comparisons between our group and another group (at the social identity level) Self-complexity: how an individual"s self-concept is organized, those who have high complexity have many self identities that are distinct from one another, whereas low complexity have many that overlap greatly. Those with high self-complexity are better at dealing with setbacks or failures in any one domain.