PSYA01H3 : Ch. 8 notes

109 views12 pages
29 Apr 2011

Document Summary

Learning = experience change in behaviour (brain plasticity) Memory: the cognitive processes of encoding, storing, and retrieving information. Encoding: the active process of putting stimulus information into a form that can be used by our memory. Storage retrieval: the active processes of locating and using info stored in memory. Info stored in memory for later use. Storage of info is not directly available. Brain remembered information in 2 different ways: Dual trace theory: the brain either kept traces of experience in the active state or in the built in structural state. Information that was active was in this state because neurons were firing continuously due to feedback circuits of neurons. Repeated firing just strengthened the synaptic efficiency lead to structural changes in neurons. Structural change was present even after activity ceased Therefore, info can be active or latent (built in) Memory takes three forms: sensory, short, long term. First two are active states of information, third is latent.