PSYA01H3 Final: Final Exam Summary

57 views7 pages
1 Oct 2011

Document Summary

3 forms of memory: (modal model of memory) sensory s-t l-t. Sensory memory representation of physical features of stimulus stored briefly can switch attention to have sense of what"s happening iconic memory (visible persistence) holds briefs visual image of scene just perceived. L-t memory - info is represented on permanent basis, doesn"t have to be con"t rehearsed. : maintenance (repeat & repeat) vs elaborative (think, associate, give meaning) consolidation info from s-t l-t, presumably b/c of physical changes to neurons in brain. Rehearsal maintenance can keep it in s-t but not necessarily in l-t. Processing: encoding specificity how we encode info determines ability to retrieve. Improve memory: mnemonic system (special techniques in attempt to improve memory) L-t memory structures episodic (autobiographic) (events); semantic (academic, general knowledge); procedural (muscle movements) Forgetting due to interference retroactive interference new info interferes w/ rmbing old info proactive interference old info interferes w/ rmbing new info.