PSYA01H3 Final: chp 7&8 pscy final exam notes

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30 Nov 2016

Document Summary

1960"s-> richard atkinson & richard schifrin -> constructed memory model; 3 memory stores. Stores: retain info in memory without using it for any specific purpose. Serve same purpose as hard drives serve for computers: sensory memory, short-term memory (stm, long-term memory (ltm) Control processes: shift information from one memory store to another. Info enters sensory memory store through vision, hearing, & other senses & control process (attention=> selects which info it will pass onto stm) Some info in stm goes through encoding: process of storing information in the ltm system: retrieval: brings info from the ltm back into stm, happens when you become aware of existing memories (what you did last week) Sensory memory: memory store that accurately holds perceptual information for a very brief amount of time: how brief=> depends on which sensory system, holds iconic memory => visual form of sensory memory for about to 1 second.