[PHLB09H3] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 35 pages long Study Guide!

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Paternalism: paternalism: the overriding of a person"s decisions or actions for her own good, pater is latin for father. They weren"t allowing her to decide what"s best. Goldman, the refutation of medical paternalism : no: health and prolonged life cannot be assumed to be everyone"s top priorities, autonomy is intrinsically valuable; it has its own good. 2 questions; 8 marks each: answer each question in 5-7 sentences, example: ackerman argues that the non-interference approach fails to show true respect for patient autonomy. In your answer, mention the view of at least one other philosopher: goldman argues that patients" value orderings are different; they might not value health as much as doctors do, autonomy is intrinsically valuable. Recall: lipkin: argues that doctors shouldn"t always tell patients the truth; it"s impossible to tell it to them because whatever you tell them, they will interpret it in a way that is biased by their past experiences.