NROB60H3 Study Guide - Hindbrain, Neural Plate, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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The structure of the nervous system: nervous system sees, hears, feels, moves, remembers, and dreams, human brain is extremely complicated. However, our brain is merely a variation on a plan that is common to the brains of all mammals. Pointing to the rats nose is known as the anterior or rostral - toward the nose. Pointing to the rats tail is known as the posterior or caudal - toward the tail. The direction pointing up is referred to as dorsal - toward the back. The direction pointing down is referred to as ventral toward the belly. The spinal cord runs anterior to posterior. The top side of the spinal cord is the dorsal side. The bottom side of the spinal cord is the ventral side: when we look down on the nervous system, it may be divided into two equal halves.