HLTC22H3- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 31 pages long!)

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11 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Health e(cid:395)uity: people"s needs guide the dist(cid:396)i(cid:271)ution of oppo(cid:396)tunities fo(cid:396) (cid:449)ell (cid:271)eing. Overall determinants of health: biology and genetics, social environment: income, physical environment: location, health services, health practices and coping skills: condoms, heaving a good diet, textbook uses lifestyle choices. Population aging: the extent to (cid:449)hi(cid:272)h a population"s age st(cid:396)u(cid:272)tu(cid:396)e is dist(cid:396)i(cid:271)uted in the olde(cid:396) age ranges (pg. 4] Life course perspective : who likes this model because it emphasizes temporal and social structures. Different processes of aging are not discrete from one another. Chronological aging: experiencing the passage of time. Functional age how well a person performs tasks: ex] 8o year old grandma runs marathons like a 35 year old women. Biological aging: physiological changes occurring as a person ages: ex] grey hair and changes in bone mass, happens at different rates for different people based on factors like work stress, ses, etc.