GGRA02H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Structural Adjustment, Absolute Time And Space

61 views1 pages
17 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Answer all 10 of the following questions on the bubble-sheet". Each answer should be one paragraph in length. Each explanation should: answer the question as directly as possible, explain the significance of the terms for your understanding of course themes, identify the relevant author if possible. Marking: 3 marks each x 5 = 15 marks total: define absolute space". Answer 1 of the following 2 question sets. Each question set asks you to demonstrate your knowledge of major course themes. Your answer should be approximately 1-2 pages, double-spaced. You should: answer the questions in light of course readings and course lectures and discussions, referring specifically to the authors of relevant readings where possible, where possible, provide examples.