ENGB70H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sexual Identity, Light Skin, Stage Fright

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17 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Social practices: the speech, behavior, and actions individuals exhibit and institutions adopt in day to day life. Cultural ideas: ideals that give utopian embodiment to the values and beliefs that lie behind day to day activities, social policies and institutional function. Values and beliefs are typically intangible concepts that give more meaning to qualities such as love status and power. Condensation: the process of loading something with more meaning or importance than it would normally receive. Usually packs a variety of values and meanings into a single signifier or image. Charisma(tic): a form of personal magnetism that draws people to those who possess it. Dominant ideology: view of world that tends to prevail in given time and place, upholding the existing relations of power and hierarchy. Alternative ideology: ideology that resist, challenge dominant ideology. Believes in system of i(cid:374)di(cid:448)iduals that do(cid:374)"t feel do(cid:373)i(cid:374)a(cid:374)t ideology (cid:373)eets their (cid:374)eeds. Ideologues: those who proselytize for a given what of seeing things.