EESA06H3 : chapter notes.docx

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22 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Chapter 1: introduction to physical geology and the environment. 1. 1 william smith father of english geology, first to publish a geological map. 1. 2 william logan first to systematically describe the geology of canada (candian) Cross-section a hypothetical vertical slice thru the land. 1. 3 alfred wegener theory of continental drift in 1912 the origin of continents and oceans . Pangea continents has previously been clustered together in a large land mass. 1. 4 j. tuzo wilson plate tectonics theory in the early 1970s (canadian) Transform faults large-scale faults that offset the crust laterally but neither created nor destroyed material, now recognized as a major plate boundary type. Hot spots active volcanoes, young volcanic islands stuck in the middle of the oceans. Volcanic islands chains (ex: hawaiian islands) resulted from a moving plate drifting over a stationary magma plume in the mantle support for plate tectonic theory. Deep time vastly greater amounts of time (more than hours, years)