EESA01H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Arsenic, List Of Iarc Group 2B Carcinogens, Pyrethroid

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Document Summary

Environmental health: the study of both the direct and indirect pathological effects of carious chemical, biological, physical and others (housing, urban development, land use, transportation) Chemical hazard: chemicals in soil, water, air, and food. Biological hazard: bacteria, viruses, parasites, allergens, animals such as bees and poisonous snakes. Physical hazard: radiation, fires, tornados, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes are not health hazards (they are natural disasters). Social or behavioural hazards: poor diet, smoking, drugs, drinking, poverty are not environmental health hazards (but chemicals in tobacco are) Genetic traits: not considered environmental health hazard, though genetic disease caused by environment are strongly correlated to environmental health. Environmental health: environmental factors responsible for 25% of all preventable disease. Urban areas more exposed: those in urbanized areas already have cancer causing chemicals inside of them. This includes pesticide residues, industrial solvents and dioxins. They go into different organs such as breast milk, body fat, blood serum, umbilical cord, hair, and around the human eggs.