ANTB22H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bearded Saki, Siamang, Ponginae

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Lemur (ring-tailed lemur: diurnal, frugivore and folivore, arboreal quadruped and terrestrial, multi-male, multi-female. Eulemur (brown lemurs: cathermal, frugivore and folivore, arboreal quadruped and leaping, variable group composition, significant sexual dichromatism. Hapalemur (bamboo lemurs: diurnal, bamboo, arboreal quadruped and clinging, variable group composition, exhibit sympatry with other species. Prolemur (greater bamboo lemurs: cathermal, bamboo, arboreal quadruped and clinging, variable group composition. Varecia (ruffed lemurs: diurnal, frugivore, arboreal quadruped, variable group composition, offspring are born in twins. Lepilemur (sportive lemurs: nocturnal, folivore, clinging, noyau. Cheirogaleus (greater dwarf lemurs: nocturnal, frugivore, arboreal quadruped, noyau, tail used as fat storage; hibernates for 6-8 months. Allocebus (hairy-eared dwarf lemurs: nocturnal, possibly gummivore, arboreal quadruped, variable group composition. Insectivore and frugivore: arboreal quadruped and leaping, noyau. Insectivore and faunivore: arboreal quadruped, noyau, smallest living primate; most faunivorous malagasy prosimians. Phaner (fork-marked lemurs: nocturnal, gummivore, arboreal quadruped. 1 male, 1 female: big digital pads and keeled claw-like nails. Indri (indris: diurnal, frugivore and folivore, clinging.