VCC236H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Federal Trade Commission, Detergent, Product Demonstration

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You will have to answer in 2-3 sentences. Keep it brief, answer the question by saying what it is first, where it comes from, then give an example. Post-fordist manufacturing: comes after ford manufacturing, comes from henry ford. Related to shifts in production and a more integrated work force, interconnected with neo-liberalism. You will have to write 1-3 double-spaced pages on each answer. Presented with lecture topics, event that took place, type of advertising or marketing. Think about the films watched in this course iii. Essay question- 1 of 2 (30%) i. ii. iii. i. ii. i. You will be presented with questions and 2 advertisements that you will have to analyze and write 3-4 double spaced pages for your answer. Every ad on the final was discussed in lecture. In analyzing the ads, will have to draw upon things we talked about in lecture.