VCC101H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Guy Debord, Medieval University, Polysemy

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Anatomy - the anatomy of the body has been a topic of of representation and source of interests for artists" trough many centuries. Appropriation- the act of stealing, borrowing or taking one"s works, images, and words meanings to one"s own end. This is the process of borrowing or changing images or elements of images by putting them into a new context. Aura: a term used by walter benjamin to describe the quality that seems to come from unique work of art. According to him, the aura of unique works gives quality of authenticity, which cannot be reproduced. Aura is not the quality a work materially holds but one that is credited to the work by a culture that values the original. Things that are one of a kind and original; rather than copied. Walter benjamin"s theories of reproduction of images and authenticity is that a special something cannot be reproduced when an original is copied.