VCC101H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cultural Appropriation, Biopower, Polysemy

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Document Summary

Representation use of language and images to create meaning about the world around us. Punctum effect of photograph that is not reducible to language, convention. Myth hidden set of rules and conventions which meanings for specific groups are universal. Ideology the shared set of values and beliefs that exist within a given society. Index signifier has a direct physical connection to the signified. Symbol relationship between signifier and signified is arbitrary (must be learnt) Structuralism idea that elements of a culture are part of an interrelated whole. Interpellation pro(cid:272)ess (cid:271)y whi(cid:272)h ideologi(cid:272)al systems (cid:272)all out to or (cid:862)hail(cid:863) social subjects. Dominant-hegemonic reading identify with hegemonic position/ receive dominant message. Negotiated reading negotiate an interpretation from the image and its dominant meanings. Oppositional reading disagree with ideological position embodied in an image. Bricolage putting together/making use of whatever material is at hand. Appropriation cultural appropriation borrowing/changing meaning of cultural project.