SOC359H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Institute For Operations Research And The Management Sciences, Diederik Korteweg

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Paid work and work-related activities became a mandatory condition for receiving aid. At the same time, the law promotes marriage as a route out of poverty. Conclude that while prwora ostensibly promotes both marriage and paid employment, job club trainers enforced a masculine worker-citizen subject through the deployment of three discursive strategies. These discursive strategies: promoted paid work over welfare-receipt as both a pragmatic and moral choice, 2) posited an individual-psy(cid:272)hologi(cid:272)al a(cid:272)(cid:272)ou(cid:374)t of (cid:449)o(cid:373)e(cid:374)"s (cid:449)elfare re(cid:272)eipt, a(cid:374)d: portrayed parenting skills as marketable skills. In the conclusion, i speculate that current welfare reform efforts require the generation of a self-reproducing worker-citizen and that workshops like job club become a site in which the existence of this autonomous citizen is affirmed. States abandoned its already eroded commitment to supporting stay at home mothering by making work and work-related activities a mandatory condition for receiving aid.