[SOC301H5] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (24 pages long!)

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To rehabilitate,deterrence, retribution,shaming, maintaining social order (denouncation),recompensate. To discipline people, to take away liberty/freedom. To rehabilitate people in prison so they could go back to society later on since 95% of people in prison later on go back to society. Prison no effect on recidivism or worse. Research does not suggest crime rates reduced by raising severity. There is no clear way of determining it, in theory, just want to put everyone in prison. 1st picture a prison that one must pay to get out of prison ( a concept of repaying the debt) 3rd picture work-houses to repay the debt. Fed -> governed by correctional service of canada (csc) No fences, can come and go except at night. Violent offenders are helped at the centres. Disproportionately aboriginal and black (aboriginal women are over-representated) 95% in federal will be re-integrated (some) implications of prison. A way to scare people so others would not commit crime.