SOC244H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Symbolic Interactionism, Social Constructionism, Auguste Comte

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Emile durkheim: functionalism, demonstrated suicide is not just individual act, but social forces influence it, suicide depends on : Social solidarity degree of group with similar values/beliefs. In 1550: conclusions must be based on sound evidence, democratic evolution. In 1750: people are responsible for organizing society- human intervention can solve social problems. Industrial revolution: most important, large scale application of science and technology to industrial processes. Auguste comte sociology" tried to base study in scientific foundations: never conducted research. Herbert spencer second founder of sociology". Influenced by charles darwin: his ideas termed: social darwinism barbaric societies to become civilized- societies must evolve. Theories- explanations for some aspect of social life that state how/why certain facts are related. Research- systematically observing reality to asses validity of a theory. Values- ideas about what is good/bad, right/wrong. Manifest functions visible, intended effects of social structures. Karl marx: class conflict struggle between classes to resist and overcome other classes.